
I'm an Aussie who moved to Ottawa, Canada in 2008. I'm always having a moan about something. This is where I moan and whinge about things. Enjoy.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Halloween.. AKA "Happy discount candy eve".


AKA "Happy discount candy eve".

As a result of my post from last night, which some of my coworkers saw as I have them as friends on Facebook, there was some discussion in my office regarding my welfare. This was brought to the attention of management, and I was emailed and told to take some time to work on things to make myself feel better, and to not worry about work or even checking my email for now, until I have worked to make myself feel sufficiently better. I handed over access to my email to a couple of coworkers, let them know what I had most recently been working on, so it was known and could be continued/completed etc without me, and I turned off my email notifications.

I am applying myself to make the best use of my time to work to make things better for myself, and hopefully in a short period of time. I started to work on the plan that the psychiatrist and I put together at the hospital the day before.

I drove to my doctor's office to make an appointment for next week to review my medications and things. They were replacing/upgrading their computers and software, so I couldn't book anything. They told me to call next Monday. I asked if it was likely I would get an appointment next week, "I don't know" was the response. Apparently the doctors are also working reduced schedules due to the computer upgrade so they aren't seeing as many people. Very helpful. I didn't have the energy to push the matter, so I just left, feeling a bit disappointed.

I went over to Costco to get my prescription for trazodone/sleeping pills filled, since they only charge a single $3.89 dispensing fee instead of $12 something that Shopper's charges per medication (and was double charging me for the 75mg and 150mg Venlafaxine pills I take, so I switched to getting only 75mg pills, and I take 3/day) and I'm sick of paying it. A lot of people don't know you can use the pharmacy at Costco without a membership, anyway.. I noticed that the Costco has some brilliant security going on, with a laminated sheet stuck to the computer with all the logins and passwords written on it, where customers can see it:

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I had been trying to go and visit a friend who is in the hospital, but it took a while at Costco to get my prescription filled, and I had plans to setup my projector in the window to project some "virtual reality" ghosts from a video I downloaded recently, but I hadn't done anything about getting it setup, since I lost Monday at the hospital and sleeping, so I went over to Value Village, and picked up a sheet to stick up as a projector screen.

I was still wanting to go visit my friend, but it was getting too late for me to have time to go see her, and get home to set everything up in time. I felt a bit guilty about not going to see her, since I had been messaging for a few days and telling her I would try to get there each day, but then not.

The traffic was also atrocious, I guess everyone was trying to get home by 6pm. It took me about 4 times longer to get home than it would have if the roads hadn't all been clogged up.

I setup the projector, got the ghosts running on the screen/in the window, and then went about trying to get some Halloween music on.

This was a bit of a frustrating endeavour as both of my iPods were dead, and weren't powering up when I was charging them. My "old school" 80GB Classic has the music on it I wanted, and it was refusing to boot up properly, stuck between "please wait, battery very low", and rebooting itself, trying to boot, and going back to the battery message again.

I left it, and found my bluetooth adapter and used my phone instead while I waited. Eventually, after it had rebooted itself who knows how many times (30 something?) it finally booted up.

In the process of looking for cables and adapters to set everything up, I came across my halloween costume I'd made back in 2008 (I think) of Dexter.

So I had a pretty cool setup, with scary ghosts projected, and halloween music (by "Booootie": http://bootiemashup.com/halloween/) playing.

Image may contain: one or more people and indoor

I put my Dexter costume on, and we had a few groups of kids come around, but not a lot, and it was getting cold outside, so I decided to go to trivia, which I do every Tuesday, and had been thinking about skipping this week.

I went downtown in my costume, and we did trivia. Most people recognised me as Dexter, I presume because I slightly resemble Michael C Hall. Sticking to my plan, I only had 1 beer, rather than the 3 or 4 I would normally, or even more as I had been drinking recently.

The host came dressed as a sloth, which reminded me of this hilarious failed anti marijuana ad campaign from Australia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rHm8GbTHyE&feature=share

So that was my day. Not really getting anywhere at the doctor's office, not getting over to visit my friend in the hospital as I had been trying to, but managing to do the ghost setup for Halloween I had been hoping to, and managing to go hang out with friends and have a good time at trivia, without drinking excessively.

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